
Season 0 - Foundational checkin mechanics (Apr 1 - May 31)

For Season 0 we built the first version of Checkin through Warpcast and later through Checkin's app. We launched Checkin at FarCon and building more features on top of the basic checkin mechanics.

  • Checkin foundational features:

    • March 2024: Checkin through Warpcast

    • April 2024: Checkin through client app

    • May 2024: GPS location verification

    • May 2024: Point rewards based on GPS locations

Season 1 - Ephemeral Games (Jun 1 - )

As we're entering Season 1, we're building on the Checkin foundational features by adding game mechanics to introduce multi-player experiences. The objective for Season 1 is to introduce more social and competitive gameplay centered around locations & to integrate more onchain<>IRL experiences. A major goal of Season 1 will be creating experiences that contribute to "come for the games, stay for the network"

  • GameFi mechanics - different reward mechanisms for checkin, social gamefi mechanics

  • Ephemeral Games (e.g. Monopoly, Treasure Hunts, PvP) - games that lean on being physical locations-centric for a fun experience. Focus will be on games that are social in nature

  • Co-creation of experiences - collaborating with other projects (events, conferences, games etc.) to create location-based mini experiences to increase engagement for their communities.

June 2024: onboarding geographic communities with an emphasis on locations with high density of points of interests and users

June 2024: Launch Property NFTs as the fundamental of the games we will launch

July 2024: Partnership with IVS for treasure hunt game during Japan's largest crypto event

July 2024: Ephemeral Game #1, GameFi mechanics to enhance existing Checkin and Earn

July-Sep 2024: Partnership with Asian Crypto conferences to have IRL activities together

Ephemeral Games - "Come for the game, Stay for the network"

By continually building games that capture users attention for an intentional short period of time but with high interest and intensity, we are aiming to encourage users to "Come for the game, Stay for the network". Games will be based on popular mechanics and through collaborations to increase chances of success. Games will also be built on top of foundational pieces like Property NFTs and checkin data, which builds on assets the users already own. The deeper they dive into the Checkin ecosystem, the more engaging experiences they'll have.

Season 1 will focus on polishing game mechanics around earning/spending $CHECK and launching several games on top of Checkin activities.

Season 1 will reward active Checkin users, Property Owners and ephemeral game players (i.e. Monopoly and FoodPvP).

Note: If you hold more than 500,000 $CHECK, you will receive 5x points for Season 1.

Season 2 - Improvements Inside and Out (2024Q4 - 2025Q1)

Season 2 will focus on building additional ways to engage with the Checkin ecosystem, both internally and externally. We'll open up more collaborations with other projects to co-design and co-create games on top of location-based experiences, and start to bridge with enterprise campaigns. We hope this will help onboard the next millions of users as we tap into new groups who are already familiar with game mechanics like web2 checkin experiences or treasure hunts.

Some of the things we'll work on:

  1. Diversify the ways to reward quality checkin

    • tipping for quality contributions

    • minting your checkin

  2. Liquidity mining reward

  3. Collaborations to create more ephemeral games

  4. Experiment with enterprise by bridging Checkin with enterprise campaigns

  5. SDK - enable others to build gamified experiences on top of Checkin

Long Term Intentions

We're still very early in our journey to create an onchain <> IRL primitive. As we continue to grow our ecosystem and games we will enable others to build on top of these location-based game experiences too. We'll always build and test out game mechanics first to perfect the experience before enabling others to build on top of Checkin, but there will also be times when we collaborate to co-create game experiences from the beginning.

One major theme that our team is incredibly passionate about is connecting enterprise loyalty programs to Checkin's onchain <> IRL primitive. This is aligned to our mission to build an onchain <> IRL primitive that other projects can build on - including enterprises. A major cultural expereince we have as a team is large scale loyalty programs that are quasi-interoperable across merchants. We believe this is a gateway to mass adoption of onchain technologies and unlocking the next billion onchain users.

Last updated